
I'm Anggi(20).

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#Dearbias @ELFquotes
Friday, May 6, 2011 | 0 comments
 do you know looking at your picture and listen to your voice can bright my day?Thank you for being part of my life :) 

 I always thinking what if I meet you and dreaming what if you love me back :D

 You're the magic, came into my life and turn everything into a right place ♡ 

 do you know how difficult i to see your concert? i really want to see you sing and make me happy 

 you always make me riveted every view your photograph and your real form

 I'm dying of happiness, getting drunk of love, and cry like crazy becoz of you ♥ ♥

 even though you can't be mine, at least let me feel your love just for a moment

 words can't describe how much I love you. 

 Sometimes I feel like change my bias, but in the end I just can't

 It feels like know everything about you, and you doesn't even know me :">

by : ELFquotes

Dear kyuhyun oppa..
do you know i wrote this ?
 do you know i love you so much ?
 do you know you're my spirit ? 
do you know i want to meet you ? ;'D
